Q&D hired a consultant to conduct training in-house for the course which included training in strategic management phases, models, concepts, formulation, implementation and evaluation; critical thinking processes, pathways; mind mapping; creatively solving problems as well as cognitive styles in strategic thinking.
Eleven participants attended the three-day training at the Qatalum Training Center which concluded on 3 October 2019 . Qatarization and Development Manager AbdulHalim Al-Bader addressed the class and highlighted that Q&D’s keen interest in investing in the development of nationals adding, “The Strategic Thinking and Business Planning training provides participants with a critical knowledge base to prepare for greater responsibility and moving into more senior roles thereby creating a roadmap for success in their careers as well as personal lives.”

An individual development plan is a tool to assist employees in career and personal development. Its primary purpose is to help employees reach short and long-term career goals, as well as improve current job performance. IDP programs benefit Qatalum by aligning employee training and development efforts with its mission, goals, and objectives.
The recent program, conforming with other such successful courses, is vital to Qatalum because it bridges the gap between organizational and operational goals, maximizes operational core competencies to implement organizational strategy and develops an effective change process that satisfies stakeholder needs.