rated site for the month of February 2014
As many of Qatalum's staff are aware, Communications have soft released the newly designed Qatalum internet portal. The objective for its redesign is to provide Qatalum with a website that is dynamic in design, content and productivity, both for the user and ultimately as a showcase to further Qatalum's reputation with stakeholders. Additionally, it fits perfectly into the QIP ideology of increasing efficiency within Qatalum by streamlining many external, marketing, monitoring and transactional activities. Several sites were used during the design phase and coincidently sites featured in set the benchmark.
For the month of February,, a showcase gallery that features top quality, creative and unique SharePoint-based websites from around the world carefully and independently selected Qatalum's website as the best of the month. The selection criteria is based on originality, usability, design, creativity and ability to incorporate modern techniques. claim to be the foremost independent source in qualifying SharePoint products and does not have any commercial affiliation with Microsoft, SharePoint's owner. Qatalum's ISIT department who are the backbone of the portal and an integral part of the project team can reaffirm's claims. SharePoint is listed by Forrester Research as the number 1 portal product.
According to Shady Khorshed, IT Analyst, Technical, "This is amazing, is the most popular site for SharePoint rating; we should be all proud."
Visit your redesigned site at