We are pleased to announce that Mr Jon Ivar Hovd (48) has taken on the role as a project manager for the Qatalum Improvement Project 2011. This follows as a consecutive step after a benchmark study carried out last summer. Its main focus will be to identify improvement potential and actions in relation to the organisation reaching the ambitious Budget Plan (BP) 2011 target.
​Mr Hovd recently joined the QPS department as Process Improvement Specialists with dedicated responsibility towards the support processes. He has brought experience from various industries and the Norwegian army in leadership development and organisational development.
In his full-time role as project leader, he will report to a local steering committee as part of the Qatalum Production System (QPS) team. More details about the project will follow at a later stage in the process.​
Jan Arve Haugan, CEO of Qatalum backed the Project by saying, ''Given the strategic importance of the Improvement Project, it is essential that employees recognise the current challenges within the organisation, accept the need for change and 'sign up' to this mandate.''