The HSSE Department recently launched one of its 2016 improvement projects, the online PIB Application System. The system went live on 16 October 2016 and is currently being used by selected contractors.
The online PIB Application System was one of the improvement projects identified by the HSSE Department and the system was included in the newly launched i-Net by the Communications Department. The i-Net project was a SharePoint based revamp of the internet and intranet which provides various tools and services enabling automated support for service and operational areas within Qatalum such as e-procurement, marketing, logistics amongst others.
This project was conceptualized by the HSSE Department, initiated and designed by the Communication department and facilitated and maintained by the IS/IT department within Qatalum.
This system features an on-line application for General HSE induction requests and consequently, issuance of badges to employees. With the new system, contractors can apply for General HSE induction through Qatalum’s internet portal at www.qatalum.com, located in the ‘Visit Qatalum’ section.
Application is accessible anywhere and anytime with a simplified interface that greatly reduces logistics among administration staff of both parties.

The workflow of the application system starts by the application from the contractor. It then proceeds to the Qatalum contract owner (responsible department) for approval. Following approval, the application is directed to the Qatalum Occupational Health section for a ‘Fit-for-Work’ requirements and approval. Once evaluated by Occupational Health, passed applications will be scheduled for General HSE Induction. Information aggregated on the application through the process is then gathered electronically to issue PIBs for contractors by the Security section, once the induction is completed and passed.
Deon Earle, HSSE Manager said, “The HSSE, as a support department, is pleased to offer Qatalum with an online system that is efficient, effective and time saving. With an increasing development in technology nowadays, I am proud that HSSE has provided Qatalum with a notable improvement to its current system.”
The online PIB Application System offers Qatalum with an effective, efficient and improved system of managing the General HSE induction and issuance of employee’s PIB’s.