The GAC HSE Seminar provides an excellent opportunity for organisations like Qatalum to share global knowledge with other professionals in the field. The participants of the seminar gained a broader perspective on global issues with regards to smelters. A spectrum of subjects was covered, from topics such as ‘Health and Safety Networking’, ‘Process Safety’ and ‘Mobile Equipment Safety & Initiatives’ to ‘Recycling of Casthouse Cooling Water Blowdown’.
Qatalum’s executive team had a hands-on role in this event. Ahmad Al Khudairi, Chief Financial Officer, gave a review about new developments in the aluminium market; Deon Earle, HSSE Manager, spoke about the Process Safety which is embedded within the ‘Qatalum Way’, Qatalum’s management system.
Furthermore, Andi Mappangara, Senior Specialist HSSE, talked about the electronic incident reporting system that will possibly revolutionise safety standards in the field. Lastly, Christian Stette, Casthouse Process Manager, spoke about controlling dust emission from the Casthouse in order to minimise environmental damage.
On the second day of the seminar, Deon Earle provided the concluding speech, bringing the event to a successful end.